DIY DEVO - Rock, Paper, Scissors

Challenge your family to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.  If you have never played, you may have to explain the game.  You count to three and each player either makes a rock (fist), paper (lay hand flat) or scissors (two fingers) with their hand.  Rock beats scissors, scissors cut paper and paper covers rock.

After a few rounds, ask your child...

Okay, if you were in the middle of the desert and really needed water, which of these items would you pick to try to find water?

Let them talk about it for a minute and try to get them to expand on what they pick.

We talk about as Christians that we have to follow God and to follow someone you must be behind them and you must have your eye on them.  The same is true with God, because God doesn't always go in the direction we think He will go and he can do things we never imagined.  

In Exodus 17, the people of Israel were wandering in the wilderness and needed water, but there was no water around them.  Moses went into this tent and prayed for God to show them water.  Now, you might think that God would have just led them to a stream or let it rain on them, but instead, God tells Moses to go strike a rock with his staff.  

What would you have thought if you were Moses?  We are in the middle of a desert and you want me to strike a rock with my staff?  That's your answer?

Moses is faithful and does what God commands and water comes gushing out of the people of Israel.  God provided from a very unlikely place. We need to trust and follow God even when we aren't sure where is leading, because his way is always right and best.  


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