Family Movie Night - Dr. DoLittle

Turn Dr. DoLittle into a family devotional experience.

Read these Bible Verse before the Movie –

Galatians 3:26 - For in Christ Jesus you are all sons and daughters of God, through faith.

One of the things you are going to see in the movie is that Dr. Do Little takes in orphaned animals that had been abandoned or cast aside by their biological families.  The Bible lets us know that we are all spiritual orphans, because of sin, but through the grace and love of God found in Jesus Christ, God adopts us into his family – the family of Faith.  The great thing about the family of Faith is that it doesn’t matter where you come from, what your biological family is like, or how you have been treated in the past, God wants you to be a part of this amazing family that is based on love.  In the family of God, we are all sinners, so we all need Jesus, therefore no one is better or worse than anyone else, but rather, we are all seeking healing, acceptance and grace.  God’s family is for everone!!

Colossians 3:13 - Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

God has called us to forgive others, as Christ forgave us.  Did we deserve to be forgiven by Jesus?  Did we do anything to earn that forgiveness?  Sometimes, we argue that the person hasn’t done enough to earn our forgiveness, but notice what the Bible verse says – it says forgive as the Lord forgave you.  Think of Romans 3:23, “while we were yet sinners, Christ die for us.” God didn’t wait for a “I’m sorry” from us to send Jesus.  We don’t forgive because they are worthy of forgiveness, but we forgive, because that is what Jesus told us to do and what he showed us (unless someone is hurting you, then you need to get the proper authorities involved, because that is not acceptable).

We often think about forgiveness as being for the other person, however, forgiveness is also about us letting go, so we are free.  Think about it, if you are mad at someone, are you more irritable with others?  When someone else does the same thing, do we react strongly?  Often the answer to those is yes, because we are not free.  Holding onto a grudge or anger has caused us not to be able to let go.  Forgiveness is not just about others; it is also about letting go.

See who needs to forgive in the movie, including forgiving themselves. 

Matthew 20:28 - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

When we go back to the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve a job and that was to partner with God for the cultivation and betterment of his world.  We were made and programmed to serve, help and partner with God.  When we do not use our gifts and talents to do this, we can feel restless, anxious and displaced.  When we use our gifts and talents to serve God and others, in the manner Jesus was speaking of in Matthew 20:28, it will help us grow, heal and feel purpose. 

Watch and see what in the movie helps Dr. Do Little get beyond the funk that he was in?


Galatians 3:26 - For in Christ Jesus you are all sons and daughters of God, through faith.

Where did you see an example of people being adopted into a family not based on where they came from or what they did?  How did this make the animals feel?  How does it make you feel knowing that you have a heavenly Father that loves you very much and wants you in his family so much that he sent Christ to die for you?

Colossians 3:13 - Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Where did you see forgiveness finally offered in the movie?  How did Dr. DoLittle forgive himself for his wife’s death?  Who do you need to forgive?  How do you need to forgive yourself?

Matthew 20:28 - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

How did going on a mission to serve others which required Dr. DoLittle to use his unique gifts and talents produce healing?  Why do you think we feel unfulfilled and restless when we don’t use our gifts for God’s glory? (Think back to Genesis and the job God gave Adam and Eve).


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