DIY Devotions - Sleepy

One of my favorite movies is the Toy Story movies featuring Woody, Buzz and the gang.  If you have never seen the movie, the plot is that when you leave or fall asleep your toys get up and play and do their own thing.  Now, is that true?  Of course not, your toys aren't a live, but when you are gone or asleep your toys just lay there and do nothing.

How do we know what happens when
we are asleep?

That's right, unless it wakes us up, we have no way of knowing what is going on when we are sleeping.  I wake up all the time with puddles in my yard and I'm like, "What, did it rain last night?"  And usually my wife will tell me, "There was a huge storm and you slept right through it."  We have no idea what is going on when we are sleeping.  Think about a bear that hibernates (means sleeps for a long time) during the winter, they have no idea what has happened while they were asleep.

Well, let me tell you something awesome that the Bible tells us.  The Bible tells us in Psalms 121:4 (the Psalms are songs that King David wrote to praise God and say how awesome God is) that God "never slumbers or sleeps."  Why does God never sleep?  Well, first, because he's God.  Second, because he is always up watching over us.  He never stops watching us, so he always knows exactly what is going on and how he can best love and protect us.

Talking about movies, I don't like when I get my big ole' coke and my popcorn at the movies and I am about halfway through the movie and then I need to go to the bathroom.  It never fails, it is always during a good part, so I am afraid I am going to miss something.  So, I go real fast and then as soon as I get back, I want to know "What did I miss?"  God never misses any part of your life.  God is always watching over you.  God is always protecting you.  God is always guiding you along the right path.

That is amazing to think that we have a God that loves us so much that he never sleeps, but is always awake watching out for us.


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