DIY Devotions - Plugging in to Christ

This one is easy.  All you will need is your phone and charger cable.  In a casual setting, have your phone plugged in to the charger cable, but do not have the charger cable plugged into the wall or attached to a computer.   Just have it dangling in plain sight.   The point is you don’t want it to be charging.

I think something is wrong with my phone.  I can’t do anything.  I have had it plugged into the charger for three hours, but it is just not working right.  (hopefully your children will say something about it not being plugged in). 

It is kind of silly to think that my phone is going to charge if it is not plugged into something.  Believe it or not, Jesus actually said the same thing about us.  He said that we will not work correctly unless we are plugged in…but he wasn’t talking about being plugged in to a wall, he was talking about being plugged in to him, Jesus.

In John 15:5, Jesus says, “"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”   So, as the vine, Jesus is our power source.  He is the one that gives us strength, love, grace, patience, peace, etc.  Without being connected to Jesus it will be hard to forgive, to make the right choices, to have faith in uncertainty, etc.  Just like our phone will not charge properly if not actually connected to a power source, we will not live properly if not connected to Jesus.

So, how do we connect to Jesus (let children answer)?  We need to daily talk to him through prayer, read the Bible, repent (saying we are sorry to God for the things we have done that are against his will), help others, talk about him and more.  When we do these things, it isn’t going to make us perfect, but it will help us make better choices, forgive, help others reframe from things we know are wrong, etc. 

Just like if you never plugged your phone into a power source, it would stop working, if we don’t plug in to Christ daily, we will not be able to live out the abundant life he has in store for us.   


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