DIY Devotion -Jenga - Jesus is Our Cornerstone

Set up a game of Jenga (if you don’t have Jenga, Legos or any building blocks can work) and ask your children if they want to play.  As soon as it is your turn, pull one of the bottom outside pieces out, which should make the entire tower topple. 

(If you have younger children) Ask them if they want to play again (with older kids, you can move right to the devo) and then do the exact same thing again, making the entire tower fall again.

The reason that the Jenga tower fell is because I removed one of the cornerstones.  The cornerstone is the base of a building that joins two walls together.  You usually start with a cornerstone and then it helps to keep the structure in place and make the rest of the building straight.  If you see some really old buildings, they use to mark the cornerstone in a different building material so that people would know where it was (show the picture).

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. 
ACTS 4:11 This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Jesus was rejected by the temple authorities, because they did not believe he was the Son of God.  So, they had him crucified, but as we know, he rose again on the third day and now is the cornerstone of all that we believe. 

However, to make sure that we stay standing firm and our faith, and that we stay on the straight and narrow path, we need to make sure Jesus is the cornerstone of our lives.  We do that by putting Jesus first in all we do.  Before we play that video game, we need to make sure we have spent some time in the Bible and in prayer.  We can’t just be nice to the people we like or who we are like, but we need to treat everyone with respect and dignity the way that Christ did.  Instead of holding a grudge over something silly that doesn’t really matter, we need to forgive the way Christ forgave us. 

How we spend our time and how we treat others shows whether Jesus is our cornerstone.  Putting Christ first can make sure our faith doesn’t fall like this Jenga tower. 


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