DIY Devotion for Families - Jesus, the Original Stain Remover

Find a piece of clothing that has a very noticeable stain on it, one that is so bad it would embarrass your family if you went out of the house wearing it…and then put it on and just walk around and see if anyone notices (if they don’t notice, you may have to point it out to them).

I can’t wear this shirt out, because it has a stain.  I have tried everything to get it out.  I have washed it many times, soaked it in hot water and even put stain remover on it, but nothing will get that stain out.  I guess I am just going to have to throw this shirt (or whatever has the stain on it) out.

You know, we have a stain on us.  No, you can’t see it, like you can on this shirt, but each one of us has a stain on our lives that God can see, it is called Sin.  Sin is anything that we think, say or do that breaks God’s laws and makes God’s sad.  Anytime we make a choice that is against God’s will, anytime we don’t forgive, anytime we talk bad about someone, anytime we don’t share, we get a little stain on our lives from sin.

The problem is, like with this shirt, we can’t get the stain off.  We can try, but we can’t do enough good things to be righteous (perfect) in the eyes of the one who is Righteous, Holy and Perfect.  The Good News is that God doesn’t just throw us out, like I am going to do with this shirt.

God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to remove the stain of sin from our lives if we believe on Him.  See, Jesus never sinned.  He was perfect.  However, despite that, he was willing to die on the cross for our sins.  The Bible tells us that Jesus literally took the stain of our sins on himself when he was on the cross.  He took all the sins we have every done, are doing or will ever do on the Cross with him and crucified them.  Jesus paid the penalty and took the punishment for our sins.  Now, if we believe on him, he will give us his righteousness (his rightness and perfection), so when God the Father looks at us, he doesn’t see sin, he sees the perfect love and sacrifice of Jesus. 

So, next time you have a spot on your shirt, I hope it reminds you of the fact that through Jesus Christ, God took away the stain on our lives that we couldn’t remove, so that we could be with him forever and ever in heaven one day!  Thank you Jesus!


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