DIY Devotion - Easter Doesn't End

For this devotion, you will need a couple small, new Easter items.  I like to go to CVS a day or so after Easter and pick up several Easter items that are 50% or 75%.  I usually get something really inexpensive and very cheap.  You will need a Bible as well.  I just use one of my newer Bibles.
Gather your family together.  I like to do it right before dinner at the dinner table.  I keep everything, including the Bible in a bag, so they don’t know what I have and I just tell them, “Hey guys, look what I got at the store today.”
Then, I one by one start pulling out the items and I tell them that I got each of them on sale.  I usually play it up and say, “I really don’t know what I am going to do with it, but it was such a good deal, I had to get it.  It was the big after Easter sale.  It was regularly $2, and I got it for $1 because it was 50% off.”  With every item, I tell them what the original price was and then I tell them what I paid for it.
The last thing I pull out is the Bible.  I will say, “I got this Bible.  It is regularly $20, you know what it was today?”  If your children have never done this devotion before, they will probably guess that it was on sale or it was $10.  I say, “It was regularly $20, and today, it was still $20.”

The reason it was still regular price is because the hope, love and forgiveness of Easter never goes away.  What do we say?  We say Christ is Risen.  We say that Jesus was not in the tomb, but that he is alive.  Jesus is alive!!!  He does not go back in the tomb until next Easter, but the promise and hope of Easter is that Jesus is with us every day, everywhere we go, to protect us and love us so that we are never alone.  It is also the promise that Jesus died to take the punishment we deserved on the cross and gave us his reward, life in heaven with Jesus forever, so that when it is our time, if we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, then we get to go be with Christ in heaven in what the Bible calls the house with many rooms.

If we continue to read the Bible, pray, serve and help others and do the right thing, we will have the energy of Easter each and every day, because every day Jesus is alive and with us.  Everyday we are assured, if we believe in Jesus, he will always be with us and we will always be with him!!  


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