DIY Children's Devotions - Cereal Milk

Get a bowl of cereal (kids cereals work best) and then after a minute tell your children that you love cereal milk.  If they ask what Cereal milk is tell them that it is when your cereal sits in the milk and all the sugar and food coloring from the cereal changes the milk into a sweet treat.  

Believe it or not, we are a lot like the milk.  All the things we watch, do and hang out with eventually starts to rub off on us if we let it stay in our lives long enough.  If you hang out with people trying to do the right thing, reading the Bible, praying and that go to Church, then they are going to have a positive influence in your life and God will permeate everything you do.  If we hang out with people making poor decisions, listen to music that tells us to do the wrong thing, watch rated R movies and watch shows were people do not live according to God's will and word, then, like the Coco Pebbles, that is going to gradually seep into our lives and begin to impact the way we think, act and live.  

Often, when we watch a horror movie, it causes us to have a bad dream that night.  If it is really scary, you may have bad dreams for several nights in a row.  Now,  most people do not like to have nightmares and it was not part of your plan when you watched the movie, but those scary images got into your mind and influenced your thoughts.  They had a lasting impact on you without you even knowing it.  The same is true of other influences in your life - both positive and negative.  

Pictures, websites, TV shows, music, movie and friends will have an impact on our lives. We have to be careful what we are allowing into our lives, because like the Coco Pebbles, it can gradually seep into our lives, mind and eventually heart.


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