DIY Children's Devotionals

Play a quick game of follow the leader with your children. After the game, asked them what determined what they did during the game? Affirm all answers, but ultimately you are looking for them to say they followed leader or they did what the leader did. One thing we can learn from that game is that whether in a game, school or life, who you follow will always determine what you do. If you play on a team, you are following the coach, and the preferences of the coach will determine the way the team plays and what they do. In school, if your teacher teaches you a certain way to do long division, then that is the way you will do it, and you will keep doing it that way until you get a new teacher and you begin to follow their way of doing it. Who you follow determines what you do. It is important to make sure we are following the right people. First, and foremost, we should be following Jesus and when we follow Jesus, we are going to become mor...